Saturday, 21 April 2018
Thursday, 1 February 2018
Super-50 Free Coaching For NEET, AIIMS and JEE Exams
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
5 Tips to be Exceptional in Physics
AIPMT, iit, iit-advance, IIT-jee, physics, preparation-tips
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Get Thorough with the Basics:
Give Importance to the Derivations:
Improve Mathematical Skills:
Learn to Draw Proper Diagrams:
Relate and Simplify:
With these crucial tips, almost any student can easily be exceptional in physics and develop an interest in the subject. The subject of physics can be extremely interesting and engaging if students completely immerse themselves in learning the concepts.
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Trigonometry Formula Memorization Trick
engineering-exams, iit, iit-advance, IIT-jee, mathematics, trignometry
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It is the branch of Mathematics, which deals with the sides, angles, triangle, and distances. The study of the relationships between distances and the angles are termed as Trigonometry. The term Trigonometry was derived from Greek word meaning measurements of triangles. It is an applied mathematics, which is used to calculate the angles and sides of a given triangle. The Greek astronomer and mathematician Hipparchus is known as a father of Trigonometry as he was the first person to create the Trigonometric table.
The trigonometric application is widely used in several fields including engineering, science, astronomy and more. Common formulas mainly used here are- Law of Cosines, Law of tangents and Euler's formula. It is quite difficult to memorize the formulae but we can crack it.
Many of us have faced the difficulties in memorizing Trigonometric Formulae. Even after attending regular classes and tuitions, we are unable to recollect the theorems, identities, and formulas.
As the subject solely depends upon the analytical, practical and logical sense of the people, some find it easy and intriguing while others find it a bit strenuous. While some students may have a natural affinity towards the subject, others simply eschew from it because of their disinterest due to lack of proper understanding of the subject.
Read- Best Books for IIT-JEE Mains & Advance
Most of the educational boards like CBSE, ICSE, etc. have a systematic approach towards the science subjects to let the students build up a stronger base for the concepts and appreciate the subject truly. Still, there are some students who could not keep up with the pace and end up detesting the subject. So, in this article, a few tips are given to help students do better in science and develop a fondness for the subject.
A subject built from multiple theoretical and practical concepts cannot be mastered without building a proper foundation for it. So, it is advised that the students also start learning the basic concepts rather than only referring to Ncert solutions or school textbooks.
Have you ever tried to mug up the formulas hours together?
Never do this, instead of the mug up, try to understand the formulae, put down on papers, substitute the same formula and theorem with different questions.
Here are some important tricks to memorize Trigonometry formulas:
● Be through with basic Trigonometric Formulae – sin, cos cot, cosec, sec, tan and more.
● Try to learn as many formulae as possible and find some shortcuts.
● Practice more problems and write more and more formulas.
● Solve problem regularly, through problem-solving, we can easily memorize formulas.
● Always try to learn formulas in the simplest and easiest way. Never get confused or complicate the problems.
● Write all the formulas, which you need to know and memorize in a sheet of paper.
● Make a daily routine of solving problems.
● Try to solve different questions on the same formulas.
● Purchase DVDs and other online Trigonometry courses available in the market. These videos help in easily remember the formulae for different angles.
● The best and fastest way to learn and remember the formulae is by creating the trigonometric ratio table.
● First and the last trick is to understand the basic formulae and try to imagine the problems in your own way.
● Trigonometric formulas are quite difficult but nothing is impossible. There are many more techniques, which can make the formula easier. The best trick is working on more problems. Once we are perfect with this formulas, we can remember them throughout our life.
Tuesday, 3 January 2017
Best Books for IIT-JEE Mains & Advance
books, iit, iit-advance, IIT-jee
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Name of Book
Author/ Publisher
Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon (Details)
OP Tandon
Numerical Chemistry by P. Bahadur (Details)
P. Bahadur
University Chemistry by Bruce H Mahan (Details)
Bruce H Mahan
Numerical Chemistry by R C Mukherjee (Details)
R C Mukherjee
Physical Chemistry by P.W. Atkins (Details)
P.W. Atkins
General Chemistry by Ebbing (Details)
Chemistry XI, XII by NCERT (Details)
Friday, 16 December 2016
iit, iit-advance, IIT-jee, NEET
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Wednesday, 14 December 2016
ANALYSIS, engineering-exams, examination, iit, iit-advance, pattern
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The complexity of the IIT JEE arises from the fact that the questions are always unique in their context, and solving them often requires a combination of concepts from across the different chapters. Nevertheless, some basic data analysis can be quite revealing and could give some important insights into how one should go about preparing for each subject and chapter. Such analysis forms the basic of our understanding of the JEE.
A: Straight Objective Type
B: Multiple Options Correct
C: Linked Comprehension Type
D: Matrix Match Type
E: Integer Answer Type
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Comparsion between CBSE Boards and Competitive Exams
ANALYSIS, cbse, examination, iit, iit-advance, IIT-jee, NEET, pattern
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It had been intriguing, all the time, for all the students. But as soon as we understand, “how it is that same syllabus is being asked differently in different exams”, our efforts will be different for different exams and results will be uniformly BRIGHT (Good). In other words, there is absolutely no difference in the concepts involved in the questions asked in the various board and competitive examinations. The difference comes in the way, it is asked in these exams. Wherein the boards, they check the conceptual clarity of a student, in the competitions, it is the application of the concepts which is stressed upon. Further, this application skill may vary from exam to exam.
The same syllabus, same students, the same hard work, but different results !!!
What they ask in JEE Advanced ?
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ANALYSIS, engineering-exams, examination, iit, IIT-jee, pattern
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JEE Main Entrance Exam for admission into various engineering courses in different engineering colleges and institutes in the country has hit the imagination of the school-going students more than any other entrance test conducted at this level. Without argument, you need to be well-versed with the pattern as well as the level of the questions asked in the exam. A Chapter wise analysis of previous years’ questions is called for here, with this objective in mind, we are giving the chapter-wise analysis (break-up) of the questions asked in last 10 years’ of JEE Main.
eligibility, engineering-exams, examination, FAQ, iit, iit-advance, IIT-jee, pattern, scope
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JEE Main 2017 exam is the most sought exam among the students of India. JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) is a two tier examination (Main & Advanced) regulated by CBSE Board. The qualified candidates can get admissions in UG eng./ architecture courses in NITs, IITs and other institutions through JEE Mains examination, whereas IITs provide admissions to eligible candidates through JEE Advanced examination.
Candidate's date of birth should fall on or after 01 October 1992 for general candidates and 01, October 1987 for SC, ST and PWD candidates.
Candidates appearing/passed 12th or equivalent exam in 2015 or 2016 with PCM and minimum five subjects are eligible to apply. Those who have passed 12th or equivalent exam in 2014 are not eligible to apply.
Candidate should secure at least 75% marks or be in the top 20 percentile in the 12th Class Examination conducted by respective boards. For SC/ST students this condition shall be relaxed to 65% marks.
Candidate can attempt JEE Main exam three times only.
To qualify for JEE advanced candidate must obtain the minimum cutoff marks in JEE Main.
What are the examination dates?
Release of Application form
10 December 2016
Last date to submit application
3rd January 2017
Application Correction window
Till end of January 2017
Admit card Release
March 2017
Offline Exam date
April 2017 (1st week)
Online Exam date
April 2017 (2ndt week)
Answer Key Releasing date
End of April
End of April
Online Registration start
28 April 2017, Friday
Last date to submit application
2 May 2017, Till 5 PM
Registration (Late fee)
4 May 2017
Admit card Release
10 May 2017 to 21 May 2017
JEE Advanced 2017 Exam
Paper I
Paper II
May 21, 2017 (Sunday)
9 am to 12 pm
2 pm to 5 pm
(a) Online Display of ORS and scanned responses
(b) Request for Review of Scanned Responses
Wednesday, May 31, 2017 (10 am) to Saturday, June 3, 2017 (5 pm)
Answer Key Releasing date
June 4, 2017 (10 am) Sunday to June 6, 2017 (5 pm)
Advance Result
11 June 2017
Online Registration for Architecture Aptitude Test
11th & 12th June 2017
Architecture Aptitude Test
14th June 2017
Online declaration of results of Architecture Aptitude Test
18th June 2017
Seat Allotment (Tentative)
June 19 to Tuesday, July 18, 2017
In order to appear in JEE Main 2017, a candidate can apply only online by logging onto Candidates with a score above a particular cutoff will be eligible to appear for JEE Advanced 2017.
What is the exam pattern?
JEE Main paper consists of 90MCQs with single correct option divided into three sections. (a) Physics - 30 MCQs (b) Chemistry - 30MCQs & (c) Mathematics - 30MCQs .
JEE Advanced consists of two papers (Paper 1 & Paper 2).Each paper will consist of the sections physics, chemistry and mathematics. Each section will further have a different variety of MCQs. Total number and variety of MCQs vary every year.
What will be the language of JEE paper?
Candidates can opt between English and Hindi as a medium of language for question paper. The language of questions paper has to be specified at the time filling application form.
What is the marking scheme for the exam?
Marking Scheme of JEE Main
Maximum Marks:: 90 × 4=360 ,4 Marks will be Awarded for each Correct response. 1 Mark will be Deducted for each Incorrect response. 0 Mark for not attempting a question.
Marking Scheme of JEE Advanced
Marking scheme for JEE Advanced may vary depending upon the variety of MCQs in each section.
What is the scope of the exam? / What are the future prospects for the candidate who clear the examination?
Candidates who will clear JEE Main Exam with the good score are eligible for admission in BE/B.Tech courses in reputed NITs ,IIITs & CFTIs across the country. Those candidates who qualify JEE Advanced Exam with the good score are eligible for admission to IITs.
What is the admission criteria?
Merit list of qualified candidates is made on the basis of their score in JEE Exam. Besides this merit, there is also reservation quota, 15% seats for SC candidates. 7.5% seats for ST candidates. 27% seats for OBC candidates. 3% seats for physically challenged.
What are other similar exams ?
The major change is that there will no weightage of Class 12 marks for calculating the rank in JEE Main exam. Secondly, candidates who wish to qualify for admissions based on JEE ranks have to secure at least 75% in class 12 exam or be in the top 20 percentile of Class 12 exam conducted by the respective boards. There has been no big change made in the syllabus, exam pattern, eligibility criteria, etc.
What are other similar exams ?
BITSAT,VITEEE,SRMJEE and Other State board Engg. Entrance Examinations.